Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Watergate: Nixon's Downfall

1. How were the "plumbers" connected to President Nixon? They worked for Nixon, they made sure government secrets did not get out. They were the ones that broke in Watergate. they also tried to find unflattering secrets about people who were against him.

2. Who was the judge? Why did he hand out maximum sentences?
John Sirica was the judge. He handed out maximum sentences because he thought the men had not acted alone.

3. How were Mitchell and Dean connected to Nixon?Mitchell was Nixon's former attorney general. Dean was on the presidential counsel.

4. How were Haldeman and Erlichman connected to Nixon?White house cheif of staff, chief domestic advisor.

5. What did the following men tell the Senate about Nixon?

a. Dean-revelaed that Nixon had been deeply involved in the cover-up.

b. Butterfield-revelaed Nixon had taped nearly all of his presidential conversations.

6. Who was fired or forced to resign in the "massacre"? Atoorney General Richardson

7. Why weren't investigators satisified with the transcripts? beacuse they had been edited and contained large gaps.

8. What did the tapes reveal? Nixon had known about the memebers of his adminsitration's involovement in the burglary, he also agrred to the plan to obstruct the FBI's investigation.

9. Why did Vice President Spiro Agnew resign? he had accepted bribes from engineering firms while he had been Governor of Maryland.

10. What did the House Judiciary Committee charge President Nixon with?

11. How did the Watergate scandal create a constitutional crisis?

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