Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The U.S. struggles against the Communist in Vietnam

2. Now write up your answer. Use this structure:
a. The U.S. weaknesses were: soldiers was afraid of ambushes by Viet Cong, and nor did they have the support of vietnam. it costed 400,000 dollars to kill one Viet Cong solider, and the US spent 20 billion on the war every year.

b. At the same time, the Communist strengths were: The determination they had to win because America constantly tried to close the supply routes to North Vietnam,but Viet COng did everything in itss power to keep them open, because they were what Viet Cognwwas supplied with.

c. The U.S. forces did have some successes. For example: Operation Rolling Thuder was somewhat effecgive, but it killed many citizens. It damaged NV supply routes and war effoert, and it enabled the US to attack Communists.

d. However, there were some major failures as well. Examples of these were: The My Lai Massacre, which went unoticed for some time, but the leader of the force was sentenced to 20 years of hard labor. America lost a lot of support from vietnam, and Americans were beginning to critcize the war.

e. The Viet Cong had some major successes, such as:

f. However, they also suffered defeats, for example:The Tet Offensive, which was a failure because the communist had hoped that the people of South Vietnam would rise up and join them, but they did not. They lost 10,000 fighters, which was a heavy blow for them.

g. If I had to identify one major American weakness, it would be [Insert weakness here] because: Inexperienced fighters, because LJ had to draft many soliders, which only got him more protests from America, he lost support quickly. INexperineced soldiers had lower morale because they were sent to start fighting in Vietnam, and they were expecting to earn glory.

h. The key Viet Cong strength was [Insert strength here] because:
the use of guerilla tactics, because they were efffectively used to lower the morale of American troops.

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