Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Big Business and Labor Quiz

Why and with what effect did the 19th century business ideologies of Laissez Faire and Social Darwinism have on laborers?

The ideas of Laissez Faire and Social Darwinism helped big business owners promote their own status, while they fed their own twisted philosophies to the public. Laissez Faire was the belief that things were always to remain at a fixed state because, economically, things should not change. This basically menat that if you were rich, you were rich, but if you were poor then you would always remain like that. Social Darwinism was an idea taken from Darwin's own book, and then twisted to fit the picture economically. This meant that the rich were better suited to the US economical environment better than the poor, and the poor would eventually die out, because the could not "evolve" or "adapt" to better fit into the environment. Big business owners used these to reasons to justify hard labor, long hours, and low pay.

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