Monday, September 21, 2009

14-3 Terms

Andrew Carnegie-Was a poor boy from Scotland who became a secretary at eighteen. He relayed messages singlehandedly and was rewarded with the chance to buy stock. He recieved his first dividened soon after.

Social Darwinism-Social darwinism was taken from Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. The belief of natural selection was used to say that some species were more suited to an environment, and therefore more suited to carry on in that environment. This was used o show that rich would oneday eventually take over, and all the poor people would die out.

John D. Rockefeller- established the standard oil company. He used trust to gain control of people.

Sherman Antitrust Act-made it illeagel to form a trust that interfered with free trade between states or other countries.

Samuel Gompers- led the Cigar Maker's International union to join with other unions in 1886.

American Federation of Labor (AFL)-With gompers as its president, it focused on negotiation, trying to get companies to resent better wages. Strikes were the main tactic used by them.

Eugene V. Debs-Attempted to form an association just for railroad workers. in 1894, they won a strike for higher wages. it failed after a major strike, but it added momentum to Union organizing.

Industrial Workers of the World-In 1905 a group of radicalists and socialists in Chicago oraganized industrial workers of the world, or wobblies. they too failed after a major strike, but they gave unskilled workers a sense of dignity.

Mary Harris Jones-She helped the Knights of Labor, and supported the Great Strike of 1877. She led 80 mill chilldren to Presidne Roosevelt's home. This influenced child labor laws.

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