Monday, April 5, 2010

The Red Scare (1950's)

1. HUAC-"House Un-American Activities Committee"investigated Communist influences in the movie industry. Believed Communists were sneaking propoganda into films.

2. Blacklist-list of people condemned in Hollywood for having a Communist background.

3. Alger Hiss-Accused by a former Communist spy for espionage, government did not charge him with espionage but with perjury, Nixon persued the case, garnering favor with America.

4. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg-minor activists in American Communist Party. Denied charges against them for being communist(pleaded the fifth amendment. Found guilty of espionage sentenced to death.

5. Joseph McCarthy-republican from Wisconsin, reputation for being an ineffective legislator. Made unsupported accusations on suspected Communists.

6. McCarthyism-Term used for attacks on commusints.

7.Joseph McCarthy wanted to gain popularity inorder to be reelected. He decided to say that Communists were taking over the government. He used McCarthyism (accusing people of disloyalty without evidence) and claimed to know people who were communists, but never actually produced a single name. He only accused people in the Senate, because he was immune to being sued by the Senate for slander. The Republican party did nothing to stop him because they believed they would win the 1952 pesedential election if the public viewed them as purging the nation of communists. However, a small group of Republicans did speak out on the issue.

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