Sunday, February 7, 2010

New Deal Essay Outline

How, and with what success did the United States try to solve the problems caused by the great Depression?

Thesis: The United States made many attempts and tried very hard to solve the problems of the Great Depression, through the New Deal, FDR created many remedies to solve the issues of the Great Depresssion, which were the poor state of the economy, relief for the impoverished, and financial reform. Most of the solutions were hard on taxpayers, and had many critics the main ones were "Federal emergency relief administartion" program, The AAA, and the NRA. The United States was unseccesfull in ending the Great Depression, so they had little success in reducing the turmoil the Great Depression had caused.

Main Point 1: The Federal Emergency Relief Administration was unsuccesfull
-It was costly
-It Limited the long term benefits
-1 billion was spent in the first five months of the CWA (civil worker's administration)
Main Point 2: The AAA did more damage then help because of the waste and farmers put out of work.
-The First AAA bill (1933) declared unconstitutional by Supreme Court.
-government was taxing processors and giving money back to farmers.
-Millions of hogs and other products went to waste. 10 million acres of cotton crop plowed under at the cost of $200 million.
-Modernization put some farmers out of work
Main Point 3:The NRA
-As businesses got concessions, workers then sought them as well. (Wagner Act).
-Businesses and politicians critical because of too much government control of free market.
-Later ruled unconstitutional by Supreme Court.
FDR was successfull at coming up with programs to help remedy the damage of the Great Depression, but the programs usually backfired in some way (to much of the taxpayer's money, unconstitutional, etc.) making the government unsuccesful in solving the problems of the great depression.

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