Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World War I Begins

1. What are the four main causes of World War I? Give an example for each as to why it was a cause.
Militarism, world powers spent more money on the mililtary in case of war.
Alliances,All the European powers fought for one sidde or the other and it caused a chainreaction so war broke out over Europe.
Imperialism, nations wanted more land so war broke out
Nationalism, each race wanted there own nation
2. How did the June 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand become the spark for WWI? Because the man who killed the Archduke was Siberian and HUngary wanted to go to war with them because they had a good geographical location.

3. What happened within the first few months of fighting?The Alliance System caused all the European powers to join the fight

4. Generally, why did the United States want to stay out of the war? The war didn't threaten the US

5. Specifically, Why did the following groups of Americans tend to oppose U.S. participation in the war? Naturalized citizens; socialists; pacifists; parents.
Naturalized Citizens had different loyalties depending on their land of desccent. Socialists saw it as an imperialist's war, pacifist were against all types of war, parents do not want their children to be killed.

6. How did Germany respond to the British naval blockade of Germany’s ports? What was the U.S. response?
Germany Sunk any Allied boats it found, and in one instance killed innocent Americans. The US did nothing.

7. What forced the United States into the war? It saw that Germany was gaining to much power.

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