Monday, November 2, 2009

Spansih American War(1898)

Causes: How did each of the following help to cause the outbreak of the Spanish-American War?

1. American business owners- owned land on Hawaii, and were interested in cuba.

2. José Martí-started a revolution

3. Valeriano Weyler-responsible for Cuban concentrtion camps

4. Yellow journalism-made readers angry because it exaggerated bad events to make them even worse.

5. De Lôme letter-A letter written to the presdient expressing angry feelings, and then read to the public and exaggerated through yellow journalism.

6. U.S.S. Maine- a ship belonging to the US which blew up due to engine pressure, but this was blamed on the spanish who were thought to have sabotaged the ship.

Effects: What happened to each of the following territories as a result of the Spanish-American War?

7. Cuba-taken by US

8. Puerto Rico

9. Guam

10. Philippine Islands-there werea lot of revolts led aginst the US, but the US took it over.

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